Looking for Work?
Overview of our Programs and Services
VCCS Employment Services has over 30 years of expertise in helping individuals find employment in the City of Kawartha Lakes. Whether you are a youth or adult, VCCS administers various programs for Employment Ontario and Service Canada to help you find work.
Employment Counselling Services
Work one-on-one with an Employment Counsellor to:
- Achieve your employment goals
- Assess your skills & explore training
- Helping you to develop a professional resume, cover letter and references
- Prepare you for employer interviews to help you stand out from the competition
- Help you identify careers, explore your interests, personality, abilities, aptitudes and transferable skills
- Assist with financial supports to provide on the job training
- Connecting you to the community
- Coaching you on your job search strategies gathering labour market information, utilizing various job board and connecting with local employers
- Support and guidance for finding & maintaining employment
- On the job training
- Individual employment coaching plans
- Life skills coaching
- Accessibility supports
- Creating an employment service plan that will get you back to work in the shortest time
Better Jobs Ontario
The Better Jobs Ontario helps train individuals for a new career in a demand occupation. Better Jobs Ontario aims to help you rejoin the workforce quickly. That’s why the program focuses on training programs that take 52 weeks or less to complete, including micro-credential programs. You may be eligible if you have been laid off and have not been working or are working a temporary job just to cover costs. You may also qualify if you have not been laid off but have been unemployed for six months or longer, are part of a low-income household, if you receive Employment Insurance (EI) Ontario Works (OW) Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP).
Meet with a counsellor at VCCS to learn about the program, determine your eligibility and guide you through the application process.
D4 (Dream, Discover, Dare, Do)
The D4 program envies you to participate in a 5 week program that opens the door to opportunities for employment.
- 5 weeks of workshops | Monday to Friday from 10 – 3
- 3 weeks employment experience
- Continuous intake and registration is ongoing
- Career exploration and direction
- Certifications and training
- Team building and networking
- Build skills and confidence
- create a professional resume and practice for interviews
- Support for transitioning into the workplace
- Paid on the job employment experience
D4 is held in three locations across the Kawartha Lakes. Bobcaygeon, Fenelon Falls, and Lindsay. If you are interested in knowing where D4 will be hosted next please check out the VCCS Home Page, or give us a call (705) 328-0180.
Youth Success Through Employment Practices (YSTEP)
The YSTEP Program is ideal for youth between the ages of 15 – 30 years old, out of school and out of work needing extra help to find employment.
The YSTEP Program is funded in part by the Government of Canada and is a Youth Employment Strategy. The 12 youth accepted into the program will receive:
- 5 weeks of workshops and skills training for 30 hours per week where they will explore careers of interest, resumes, interview preparation, team building, certifications for the workplace in First Aid, Smart Serve, Customer Service Excellence, and much more.
- 17 weeks of hands on work experience with local employers for 35 hours per week where they will build their skills in the workplace.
- One-on-one supports and counselling during the program.
- You are paid minimum wages for attending.
Many of the youth over the past few years are still working with their placement employers in many apprenticeships such as cooks, carpenters, electricians, lock smiths, child development practitioners, hairdressers, plumbers and other occupations in retail, manufacturing and service sectors.
ARM: Assess. Research. Match
Arm yourself for the future! This workshop focuses on career exploration.
- Assess
- Discover your career options basd on your personality
- Research
- Try out a job using virtual reality and learn about the labour market
- Match
- Find available jobs that match your employment goals
Explore and discover your career goals and receive support to find the job that is right for you.
Resource and Information
VCCS has a resource room equipped with computers, a photocopier, fax machine and professional staff to assist with your job search. Our Resource Employment Counsellors can also help you with resumes, cover letters, job search strategies and connect you with workshops to help build your skills. Our Resource Team works closely with employers creating job postings and are on the pulse of the local labor market.